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Showing posts from April, 2018

7 Specific Areas to Look for in Your Resume

Resume writing is never out of drone. It keeps coming back whenever you wish to upgrade your career. In spite of having a lot of guides online, there is still scope for finding more about the dos and don'ts in resume writing. There is much to know and understand to put back in your Resume for success in job. Specifically when you really do not know how to organize content according to job description, the chances of your resume getting shortlisted are almost minimized. So, what does your boss wants to know about your profile? 1. Effectiveness in your profile How strong and valuable has been your contribution to your employer? The positions held and deliveries you have made over a period reveal the credibility and familiarity in work areas. Building a work profile that combines huge set of expert areas and in-depth knowledge is most crucial. Because an employer requires wide or specific areas of expertise for their company. Proficiency speaks. 2. + skills + accomplishments +

I Lost Job - What to do? (Tips to Find a New Job in Less Than 7 Days)

Losing job put you in a difficult situation. It also speeds up your efforts to search for a new job. You need not panic. Just start off looking for jobs that match with your profile and begin applying.  With the free online search at several job search sites - Monster, Indeed and any local websites, it should be an easy process to give a follow-up. Sometimes, your social network is a of lot help both online and offline. Your friends can help you. How to seek Resume Help? Let's see some of the best Tips for finding a new job in less than week's time: 1. Prepare Resume & Cover Letter Your Resume must have valuable content along with job-related keywords. Written in crisp and concise manner, your work profile must consist of accomplishments, works held, achievements and highlights of your career. While expert areas and skills are of high importance, these must be in order with the job description. How Resume Free Samples will Benefit you? How to go through an ex