5 Resume Writing Tips for Customer Service Job

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Overview of Customer Service Job

After the emergence of e-commerce, online shopping and evolution of new products, the need for customer service jobs has risen paradoxically.  Job growth in this category is expected to rise by 10% (2014-2024).  Basic skills include problem-solving, computer systems operations,  human relations, communication and office systems.

There are many success stories from those who were successful in building career in this line without having higher education. So, no worries, with undergrad education or less, you have more better opportunities in customer service job.

Qualifications Required

What exactly employers look for in a Resume for customer service job? Mostly, it is your skills + college education + university education + certifications + work experience (if any) + line of industry.

If you are planning to enter in this category of job, look for the following :

  • Undergrad degree
  • Courses in business, English speaking and writing
  • Training in customer service
  • Training in problem-solving and human relations
  • Knowledge in business fundamentals, sales and communication
  • Working skills in computer systems 

How to Apply for job?

Create job alert in one or more job portal websites. Upload a suitable resume and a cover letter to enable employer to find your profile. Ensure to share social media links - Facebook, LinkedIn etc., Add appropriate job keywords in Resume.

Please know that the competition is there out and preparing your Resume outstandingly, increase scope for shortlisting your profile.

Preferably call office desk of employer and pursue.

Resume Writing Tips for Customer Service

While there are many Resume templates, formats and resume building websites are available, follow a pattern that makes it much easier for viewer to find highlights of your Resume easily.

Most common pattern for a good Resume is:

  • State Name clearly
  • Add address, email and phone
  • Add profile summary or career objective
  • Highlight your potential skills
  • Academic profile
  • Work Experience
  • Professional associations or Memberships

  • Awards / Rewards / Accomplishments

  • Interview Preparation

    The preliminary success is almost there as you receive intimation to attend interview.  Nearly 85% of your job success depends on how you clear interview. The secret sauce is - Prepare, Prepare, Prepare.

    List probable interview questions and prepare answers.  Read interview preparation articles online and get best tips.


    Although applying for customer service is a routine, preparation for cracking a job is hard work, smart thinking and self-confidence with professional capabilities.

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