3 Tips for Best Resume writing

3 Tips for Best Resume writing

A Resume is all about your career. It contains details of your education, skills, certifications, membership, volunteer works etc., Resume will certainly qualify you for finding a job. There are many employees who do not wish to change the job and even retire in the same company.

# 1. Create online profile with well-written Resume

While the importance and need of a resume continue to be on the good side, there are many changes in resume writing formats. With the success in online resume submission, many find it much easier to find a job. The most easiest part of this process is, recruiters are able to find you through online sources. As your profile matches with the needs of an employer, you get a job offer.  In fact this is most prominently proven method and has been growing rapidly for the finely tuned resumes.

# 2. Choose Best Resume Format 

To be found easily online, you need a well-crafted resume. With online access to many good resume formats, select that a good-fit for your job application.  The next step is to outline the information that you need to add to your Resume. This includes 7 specific areas to look for in your resume that details about education, employment history, jobs held, list of duties, skills etc.

# 3. Resume Content

5 best tips to write good quality resume content gives an outline to choose best vocabulary and job-keywords that suit to the job application. Writing efforts should also focus on entire format and design of resume.   Ensure to provide accurate information that is most relevant to the job. It shortlists the selection procedure much easier.

There will be many applicants applying for a job and with access to online most of the resumes are uploaded along with cover letter.

  • At  the top of the resume page, name, address, contact # and email-id has to be provided. In the next line, what exactly a job seeker is seeking has to be provided. For e.g. Seeking a job in pharmaceutical or allied industry. This gives a meaning that you are looking for a job in pharmaceutical industry.

  •  The next paragraph would be to state about career objective or career summary. This can be two or more sentences depending on the number of years of experience you have in your employment.

Example:  To pursue company’s goals and objectives and  attain higher standards of work and performance to meet the requirements of management.

For job seekers who have more than a decade of experience in companies, can provide a brief summary  about their work experience.

Example: Achieved excellent service track record over a decade and worked most diligently and honestly performing all duties and responsibilities in an upright way. Management of staff and organization, compliance of industrial laws and labor standards and control and monitoring of every process has brought excellent recognition.

In the area of expertise, listing of all expert areas can be a very good advantage. This may be for a position of software engineer, hardware engineer, HR manager, software trainee or for the position of a scientist. It really requires all bullet points that can be listed in the area of expertise skills.

  • The next info that has to be detailed is about work experience if there is any and this requires mentioning of name of the company, designation, duties and responsibilities and tenure of work

For fresh graduates, project and academic details have to be provided. This requires a brief summary of project description and also about completion of education. Name of course, name of college or university, tenure of education and score achieved upon completion is also to be mentioned.

  • Finally skills, awards, honors and volunteer activities have to be listed for junior positions. For senior management resumes, awards and other important info can be provided.


Dedicating time for writing a resume will surely bring in good results. Beginning from the pattern of the resume to the level of arranging the info in an orderly fashion, can surely bring  good results.  A professional outlook makes it much easier to short list your profile. 

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