After doing your own business for a certain period of time, if you have decided to shift from business to a regular job, it is time to work on your resume.
One of the important areas where you need to focus is that, you need to state reasons as to why you wish to shift from business to a regular job and what are the main reasons.
Because business owners would like to continue their business and put efforts in expanding their network and offer jobs to others.
For instance, if you have been running a business as a stock consultant for more than 5 years and because of the economic downturn there is a huge turbulence in stock market as a result of which, you have taken a decision to shift from business to job.
Therefore, you choice of reason should be quite reasonable, acceptable and agreeable.
In your resume it is also important to give a complete detail about your past business, how you started, how you managed and what profit-margin you maintained in your tenure of business have to be detailed in order to provide a concrete view about your performance in business.
Your expert skills, business experience and your academic profile along with good references will surely give you good success in finding a good job.