It is true that resume writing software is very easy to use and it speeds up the process of resume writing and you can product the best content in a short time.
Although some of the resume writing software are very successful viz., winway Resume Deluxe, Resume Maker Professional and Resume Creator Pro, professional resume writers will be able to spend quality time when using this resume writing software.
A good professional resume writer can surely work on 4-5 resumes per day, whereas with the help of resume writing software more than 10 resumes can be generated per day.
Alternatively, writing, editing and proofreading will continue to draw the attention of resume writers for perfect error-free resumes.
MS Word offers a superior tool for checking spellings and replacing words with synonyms whereas this is the most important task before finalizing resumes.
Grammar check, spell check, dictionary and thesaurus are really important for resume writing.
Therefore, this concludes a fact that resume writing software is definitely helpful for professional resume writers as long as they continue to produce quality resumes and conduct a quality check of all resumes before these are finally forwarded to clients.