Free resume writing services are qutie useful and these are greatly in demand. Free resume writing services are definitely professional but you really need to check whether the entire working on the resume is matching with your profile.
Especially if you are looking for a simple resume as a fresh graduate you can always opt for free resume writing services as these are freely available through online sources.
You need to replace the information with your personal details and give a good design to the resume.
As long as you know the perfect method of inclusion of different sections of your resume viz., profile, career objective, expertise areas, work history, education, skills and personal details, you are always safe and you are much ahead towards success in getting a good job.
Further as you are working on your resume, you will spend more time making a good analysis of your resume which will give you more satisfaction.
Another benefit that you can derive from free resume writing services is that, you can seek the advice of a certified resume writer and run a critique service who can provide you with good advice about the dos and don ts on your resume.
There are also many writers who offer free resume writing services as a voluntary job and this is also quite useful for you.