Resume must have all the details of your previous job and current job. Because of the fact that your prospective employer will be able to know all the jobs you have already attended and your capabilities in taking up more job tasks. This means your confidence levels and your expert areas will be more important for prospective employer who wish to select you.
Some times you are in doubt whether to state about recent job or not. Recent job explains that you are currently working for a company in certain designation and the fact that you are employed will encourage your employer to take a closer view of your resume.
This is really important for you.
If you are in your current employment for more than one month or more than one year or any specified period of time, it is always recommended to specify it. This gives out a fact that you are employed and that you hold a job in a particular area.
Therefore specifying about your recent job in your resume is always important. Some times it so happens that you have left the job and you are now applying for a job. In this gap period also, it is also important to specify that you have worked for a company until recently and that you are looking for a change in job with more prospects.
Since employers are always interested in applicants who are anxious to join the job immediately, your specification of recent job will surely give more opportunity to get you another good job.
Recent job should be specified at the top of the work experience details and preferably it is recommended to mention the name of the company, city or state, designation and all the job tasks, you have attended apart from the duration of period of job. Definitely you have more opportunities to get a good job.