is a measuring tool for your success. Both in the present employment and in the
past employment you will be doing all your tasks successfully but if you really
wish to have a track of all these to evaluate your performance, you must periodically
dedicate some time, an hour or two and sit at your table and write down what
all you have achieved successfully.
instance if you have been assigned a project and you have completed it within
time, it is an achievement for you. Write it down. Similarly if you have
received an increment for your performance or if you have received a
certificate of appreciation or if your boss praised your work or your
colleagues complement you with a word of appreciation, that is all encouraging
for you. Write it down and think you can still make it better and prepare your
tasks for the next 3-4 months and be successful in achieving them.
plan for every task helps in many ways for your successful performance at your
periodically will keep you in good terms with your resume as you have a good
collection of experiences and you can write good sentences about your performance.
Since you need to write all about your performance in your resume, taking a
trial will lead you through successful in complete successful evaluation of
your performance.
The more
achievements and expertise you add to your resume, the better is your
performance and it indicates that you are definitely on a high profile and your
self-evaluation is the first measure of success before employer approves you as
an applicant.